Yerba Prima Soluble Fiber Caps 625 mg. is a simple, natural way to help promote heart health by supporting normal cholesterol levels. Yerba Prima Soluble Fiber Caps 625 mg. has been shown in numerous studies to help remove excess cholesterol from the intestinal tract. Yerba Prima Soluble Fiber Caps is a concentrated source of soluble fiber from multiple sources, including the two most proven sources of soluble fiber – psyllium husks and oat bran. In addition to its benefits for the heart, Yerba Prima Soluble Fiber Caps helps to support the population of friendly bacteria in the colon, softens the stools for easier elimination and supports production of protective short-chain fatty acids in the colon.
You probably don't spend much time thinking about your liver, but it does lots of heavy lifting for you! It filters out toxins from your blood at the amazing rate of a quart per minute. It sorts out the good from the bad, keeping anything useful and tossing out the junk. As the world becomes more and more toxic, a liver working at optimal capacity plays a bigger role in health and well-being than ever before. Swanson's Milk Thistle supplement is the ultimate in liver health. Silymarin, a powerful antioxidant flavonoid, contains specific protective benefits for liver tissues, making milk thistle a premier liver tonic. Our convenient capsules deliver 500 mg of milk thistle nutrition that won't put a dent in your pocketbook.